This is a inspirationally great song for those who are escaping and have escaped the JW cult or any form of cult. I know it has truly aided and helped me. Does anyone know if Lauryen Hill or her family was a former JW, from the lyrics it may seem so...
I GOT OUT!!! ❤️
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inthis is a inspirationally great song for those who are escaping and have escaped the jw cult or any form of cult.
i know it has truly aided and helped me.
does anyone know if lauryen hill or her family was a former jw, from the lyrics it may seem so....
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
Cofty your top 5 misconceptions about evolution post, from the website science alert was written by Fiona Mcdonald.
Do you endorse Fiona McDonald? Do you even know who she is?
Is it illegal to think differently from other posters than yourself? LOL
Is this website controlled by people who haven't put their elders hat away yet? LOL
News Flash! Once you leave JW world, no one cares if you have differing beliefs, but it's seems some on this forum are stuck in a JW mindset of controlling others thoughts and beliefs that are differing from your own. I could careless if you believed in a Flying Spaghetti Monster or not. Your thoughts and beliefs are yours, share them or don't share them, I don't care. It seems you do and I sincerely wish you all well with that type of mindset. Cofty It seems that your B.S.- belief system is a lil weak...
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
Cofty No and No. You are an adult, I hope, and can read, choose and buy what you want, like every adult on this planet.
There is an Ad as I type on this website that wants me to buy a $499 ADT security system. Cofty do you endorse ADT? Cofty do you recommend ADT? Your argument is weak and has gone over my head, I have nothing to do with endorsements or recommendations. I am not your father, who needs to say yes or no... LOL
Cofty it seems I have hit a nerve with you on this subject, have I opened up a Pandora's box for you and put a wrinkle in your B.S. - belief system?
AGAPE LOVE - Not the JW cult version...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE injw version: teaches (brainwashes) you to use principles, choose, select and be conditional with love.
in other words you can't just love everything and everybody but you have to be picky with love "supposedly" because jehovah is picky in who he loves and allows to breath and live upon the earth... ok.... .
12 a·gaʹpe refers to love that is guided by principle.
It's the positive and negative, ying and yang, past and future, young and old, man and woman, night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, big and small, up and down, water and fire, hot and cold, white and black, light and dark, life and death, good and bad, happy and sad, kind and evil, carom and wicked, love and fear, heaven and hell, God and satan...
Duality, you can't have one without the other... It's just science and the universal laws, not a loving Diety in the sky to give you life or an evil Deity under the ground to burn you up forever. The truth is metaphysical not biblical. The governing body and all religious leaders use the scam of religion to control the masses just as every other religion and or cult.
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
If you understand evolution so well, then you should understand the solar system and how it connects to the universe, a microcosm of the macrocosm, as above so below... Evolution is just the tip of the iceberg. When your able to look past evolution then it will make sense to you.
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
lol Stand by those claims? I never claimed anything... I posted an article on why religion is a snare and a racket. The rest of the information on that website has nothing to do with me, and or what I do or do not believe in.
Cofty I see you posted claims about evolution... Do you stand by those claims?
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
Uh oh the Forum elders are here now... They are going to take me into the back room... LOL -
AGAPE LOVE - Not the JW cult version...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE injw version: teaches (brainwashes) you to use principles, choose, select and be conditional with love.
in other words you can't just love everything and everybody but you have to be picky with love "supposedly" because jehovah is picky in who he loves and allows to breath and live upon the earth... ok.... .
12 a·gaʹpe refers to love that is guided by principle.
BW very true. The governing body has turned "Jehovah" into their very own version of The wizard of oz where they are pulling the strings and levers from behind the curtain of a very elaborate and convincing fairytale (Ponzi scheme) to the average unsuspecting and under educated JW, who are forced into serving and following (The Governing Body) "Jehovah God" from infancy in most cases! The governing body is the "real" "Jehovah". The name Jehovah is used as their alter ego or as their figurative superman suit. These (7 or 8 I lost count) senile old men are inspired by not "Jehovah" but their own delusions of "truth" (koolaid) that they have been pouring non stop down the throats of their sadly delusional, horribly mislead and misguided followers. The organization is what they hail as their conditionally and selectively "loving" spiritual paradise, more like a spiritual hell! A paradise from which once you join, you are not allowed to leave, or else you'll be banished, shunned and DFed from your family and friends for the rest of your life and lose the delusional prospect of everlasting life from Jehovah... You couldn't dream of a better fairytale story... Sounds like the movie The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio but at least they don't kill their followers, but some may say they do... because they kill the wills, minds and hearts of their followers so figuratively they are like zombies or the walking dead.
Many are leaving their enforced, inbred and inherited religions, and surprise it's not just JWs...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ini want to share this great article from an informative website on religion and how it is an age old play on emotions and why many are fleeing from religion, including you.
the other insightful articles on this website will help to soothe your complex worries and open your eyes to a great reality.. one love.
OUTLAW let me spell it out for you, No I am not...
Cute photo looks like the Indian version of JWs... LOL
AGAPE LOVE - Not the JW cult version...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE injw version: teaches (brainwashes) you to use principles, choose, select and be conditional with love.
in other words you can't just love everything and everybody but you have to be picky with love "supposedly" because jehovah is picky in who he loves and allows to breath and live upon the earth... ok.... .
12 a·gaʹpe refers to love that is guided by principle.
JW VERSION: Teaches (Brainwashes) you to use principles, choose, select and be conditional with love. In other words you can't just love everything and everybody but you have to be picky with love "supposedly" because Jehovah is picky in who he loves and allows to breath and live upon the earth... Ok...
12 A·gaʹpe refers to love that is guided by principle. So it is more than just an emotional response to another person. It is broader in scope, more thoughtful and deliberate in its basis. Above all, a·gaʹpe is utterly unselfish. For example, look again at John 3:16. What is “the world” that God loved so much that he gave his only-begotten Son? It is the world of redeemable mankind. That includes many people who are pursuing a sinful course in life. Does Jehovah love each one as a personal friend, the way he loved faithful Abraham? (James 2:23) No, but Jehovah lovingly extends goodness toward all, even at great cost to himself. He wants all to repent and change their ways. (2 Peter 3:9) Many do. These he happily receives as his friends.
13, 14. What shows that a·gaʹpe often includes warm affection?
13 Some, though, have the wrong idea about a·gaʹpe. They think that it means a cold, intellectual type of love. The fact is that a·gaʹpe often includes warm personal affection. For example, when John wrote, “The Father loves the Son,” he used a form of the word a·gaʹpe. Is that love devoid of warm affection? Note that Jesus said, “The Father has affection for the Son,” using a form of the word phi·leʹo. (John 3:35; 5:20) Jehovah’s love often includes tender affection. However, his love is never swayed by mere sentiment. It is always guided by his wise and just principles.